You are allowed to post a quality introduction with genuine effort.

Moments of you simply horsing around with friends, playing through a whole campaign/chapter (with bots), walking around oblivious and WOWING at that coke bottle are categorized as “Let’s Plays” and are examples of what’s not allowed. Unique being but not limited to: genuine speedrunning & survival runs, executing skill-based actions, or moments where things go horribly wrong (or right). Mariorules64 mariorules64, Osku Osku and D a r o o t L e a f s t o r m D a r o o t L e a f s t o r m like this.Highlights or videos of unique L4D gameplay are allowed. Just another idea while on the subject.Īlso, I may have beaten this run tonight. While we're at it, I also feel the item radar should explicitly be banned as well in the rules just for clarity, because currently saying HUD mods are allowed would technically enable its use but I would argue strongly that it is an unfair advantage. that would be the only case I might support a rejection. The only way I can see weapon sound mods mattering is if they are purposely made silent so enemies are easier to hear? But then Closed Captions exist anyway. Please reinstate this run, and maybe add some exceptions for weapon sound mods for the future? Now, if there were sound mods on Specials or something that would make much more sense since it could potentially make them easier to hear, but a few weapon sounds are no big deal at all. who rejected this? Rules don't need to be adhered to so closely for a case like this, we can use discretion for obvious changes that don't affect gameplay in any way. Takes the sound from Killing floor and replaces the KF silenced mac-10 sound to the Silenced sub machine gun from L4D2. < Mac10 sound from Killing floor for Silenced Mac-10

Takes the sound from Killing floor AA-12 and replaces the SPAS shotgun sound < AA12 sound from Killing floor for SPAS shotgun second it makes u say stuff with survivers and say speech lines whenever u want (u know the spamming pricks yes I was one of them :3) Makes u able to switch between charachters doesnt work in offline because u have to go idle. Rejected: "All Addons are banned except gun textures/models, survivors models and HUD I hate the spas and mac-10 sound and the KF sounds make the super dope how that isn't allowed, don't ask me but then most gun texture/models should be banned because ALOT change sounds I removed over 163 addons to start speedrunning from casual to actually getting WR's. I posted a Sacrifice WR, not hard to beat but it got rejected for having sound mods? At first it got accepted and now rejected.