Buku bahasa arab mts pdf
Buku bahasa arab mts pdf

Imam Fuadi, M.Ag the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs. Maftukhin, M.Ag, the Rector of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, and unforgettably Prof. Susanto, M.Pd and his men in the Language Center, State Islamic College of Tulungagung for their tremendous help in publishing this new book for the students of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung. The author wishes to thank all those colleagues who contributed in making this book available to the readers. In the name of Allah the most beneficent and most merciful. Maftukhin, M.Ag Rector of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung May Allah SWT bless and reward their good deed. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the writers and those who are involved in this work. Therefore, a conducive, active and autonomous English learning will be made possible here. The outstanding remark of this new book is that it provides the three language skills –speaking, reading and writing, and is enriched with vocabulary exercises.

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Besides, it also challenges the lecturers as well as the students to go immerse more actively and creatively in the learning process. This new edition of English book at pre-intermediate level for the students of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung facilitates the students with some interesting activities as well as various topics on Islam and education. Further, may Allah SWT bless the Khulafaa' Rashidoon and the Sahaba of the Prophet as well as the Followers and the Followers of the Followers till the day of judgment. Let's pray to Allah SWT (glory be to Him, and He is the High) to bless Prophet Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him) and his family.

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© IAIN TULUNGAGUNG PRESS 2014 First Published 2008 Printed in Tulungagung, Indonesia Cover by Yoyo’ IAIN TULUNGAGUNG PRESS Jalan Mayor Sujadi Timur 46 Tulungagung 66221 East Java, Indonesia

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All rights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. Noer Farida Laila, Muhammad Basuni, and Nanik Sri Rahayu to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act. Noer Farida, English for Academic Purposes /St.Noer Farida Laila, Muhammad Basuni, Nanik Sri Rahayu -IAIN TULUNGAGUNG PRESS 2014 189 hlm. Pre-Intermediate Level For Islamic University Noer Farida Laila, M.A Muhammad Basuni, M.Pd Nanik Sri Rahayu, M.Pd Edited by: Susanto, M.Pd English for Academic Purposes Written by: Hj.

Buku bahasa arab mts pdf